
How to Focus with ADHD

integrative psychiatry

I think I have always had a big focus problem. I just didn’t realize it until my wife pointed it out to me. She often mentions conversations we have and I have absolutely no memory of them. I have also identified with much of the new content online about neurodivergence and how women express their ADD differently than men.

I struggle with hyperfocus, procrastination and staying on task to name a few. I find so many half done projects around the house. I believe anyone who struggles with focus can benefit from these techniques whether you have been formally diagnosed with ADHD or not.

MIndfulness – This is about bringing your mind into the here and now. So often our mind is whirling with things from the past or future. But now is really all we need to deal with. (These are short, just 1 to 3 minutes each)

Grounding – Grounding helps our mind focus by bringing the energy together and giving it a place to land. I use this often when I become overwhelmed with creative ideas but I’m having trouble focusing on one long enough to finish any one project. This can also work if you are overwhelmed with too many tasks or even thoughts. Sit in the grass on a blanket or walk outside barefoot for a few minutes a few times a day. Work up to 20 minutes a day. Or if you can’t go outside, imagine growing roots deep into the earth. If this seems daunting you can try a grounding meditation or sound healing with the earth’s frequency.

Wear crystals – Crystals help to change our frequency and can help us to focus better. I like black onyx for this. When I wear my favorite onyx necklace it definitely helps me relax and be more focused for the day. When my mind feels scattered I reach for this one. Here are a few others.

  • Smoky quartz
  • Onyx
  • Tiger’s eye

Eat for focus – There is a lot written about what you should eat if you have ADHD. But one of the recommendations is healthy for everyone to eat, a higher protein, low sugar diet that is also low in processed foods. I started with cutting out sugar. You can still sweeten with honey or maple syrup.

Get a good night’s sleep – Humans need around 8 hours of sleep. Teens can need up to 12 and survivors of trauma often need more than 8. So, stop shorting yourself. I know our culture is go, go, go and it is hard to make the time. But your mind and body will thank you. If you are having a difficult time calming down for sleep you could try the mindfulness meditations above or the videos below. Just remember your phone screen activates your brain so don’t look while you listen.

Smell for focus – I wear a lava stone bracelet that absorbs smell. So I can put essential oil on it and anytime I need to focus better or relax I can discreetly give it a sniff even if I’m in a meeting. You could also do this cheaper using a kleenex from your pocket. Here are some essential oils that are good for focus but there are many others.

  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon
  • Cedarwood

Screen rest – I know we are all on screens all day. And we often have to be with school or work. And even how we relax now involves screens. But, it is a reality that screens whether a tv, a phone or computer all activate our brain in an unhealthy way. We need screen rest. Try putting in at least 1 hour of screen rest a day. If that is too much start with 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a day. Sometimes I work on paper because it helps me to focus better.

Sound healing – I have used sound healing as a way to calm my brain. Some binaural beats just feel good and calm my thoughts. Other sound healing helps to ground me and helps me to focus better. I can listen to those while I work. I have included both kinds here.

Try these techniques and videos out and don’t be afraid to explore for more. The internet is full of great healing tools for free. Just remember to always Own your health.