
How to Handle Stress and Anxiety

integrative psychiatry

Anxiety has been present in my life as early as I can remember. In fact, it was so present I didn’t even realize I had anxiety. One of my early memories is becoming so anxious about a family stressor I locked myself in the bathroom and laid on the floor in a fetal position with terrible stomach pains.

My journey to learning how to manage my anxiety has been about recognizing first when it is happening. Then, finding the tools to calm my nervous system and release the unwanted energy all throughout the day.

Calming the nervous system immediately – There are so many techniques you can use in a pinch when you are feeling really anxious to calm yourself. I have used acupressure under my desk during meetings as a way to calm myself and help focus. I also use brief breathing techniques while in the bathroom. I have even put a cold pack on my chest from my lunch box at work as a way to get some quick relief. There are so many possibilities, just click on some of the you tube links below to try a few out.

1. Acupressure Points for Stress and Anxiety

2. Calm your anxiety in 2 minutes!

3. Vagus Nerve Massage For Stress And Anxiety Relief

Watch what you take in – At some point I realized when I watched a lot of murder mysteries or Law and Order I was checking under my bed before I could go to sleep. I thought I was enjoying these programs and relaxing but clearly they were impacting my sense of security. So, I reduced watching shows where people are threatened or injured. This definitely improved my anxiety. The same is true for being around people who increase your anxiety. Distance yourself from that coworker who is always complaining or talk to your family member less often if they are wanting you to solve all of their problems.

Distraction – Sometimes you feel awful but just don’t want to put any effort in or do anything that feels therapeutic. This is when I turn to videos like the ones below. What I like about these is they can be done while you are working. I will even have asmr on in the background while I write notes. These are long videos but you watch or listen just as long as you like. Try them, see what you like then explore for yourself.

Caffeine/Nicotine – I know, I loved coffee deeply for most of my life. But, it does cause your brain and body to be activated. And when you have anxiety you are already too activated. Same goes for nicotine. They both significantly increase anxiety. This should really be the first line of helping your anxiety. If you can’t quit, cut down or switch to a lower caffeine or nicotine product. Just switching from coffee to tea improved my anxiety a lot.

Calming plants – The plants listed have been used for many years in different cultures. It is best to try them one at a time and under the supervision of your physician. They also can have drug interactions with western medications so proceed with caution. Always use herbs for short periods of time like 6 to 12 weeks then try something else. Do not take if you are nursing or pregnant. Explore the links, there are many other options too.

Calming teas – Looking for a gentler way to help with anxiety? I tend to use teas periodically and rotate them easier than with supplements.

  • Tulsi – Also know as holy basil. I love this tea for after meals since it helps anxiety and blood sugar both.
  • Lavender Chamomile tea – Not just for sleep. I use this to calm my nervous system anytime of day.

Grounding – Anxiety is too much energy. You can put your bare feet on the ground and imagine sending this extra energy into the earth. Think of growing roots from your feet into the center of the earth. Or, put your hand on a tree or sit with your back on a tree. Ask the tree to take the extra energy from you. Imagine the energy going from your body into the tree. Don’t worry the trees are ready to help us.

Tapping for anxiety – Tapping has gained a lot of popularity because it works. I have done this while driving to a stressful day of work or in the bathroom. Tapping should involve acknowledging the uncomfortable feeling you are having and an affirmation of how you are okay or you love/accept yourself anyway.

1. How to Use Tapping to Calm Anxiety Tutorial | HealthyPlace

2. EFT Tapping On Overthinking

Doing things to invest in the anxiety of tomorrow – Doing very short interventions to calm your nervous system in the moment or to distract/soothe yourself on hard days is great. It helps you to decrease the symptoms in the moment. But, in order to bring down your overall baseline anxiety level it does take more than that. There are also so many options for this. Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, Meditation, Breathwork, Prayer, Rhythmic walking just to name a very few. I recommend at least 15 minutes a day but work up to 20 or 30 minutes. There are so many links I could provide for this as well. Being able to sit in silence and stillness should be the long term ultimate goal. However, this is so difficult given our busy, electronic filled lives. So work up to it with these practices.

Get curious. Start with these and don’t be afraid to branch out and try others. If you find a helpful video please email me. I love to find new resources! Just remember to always Own Your Health, you are the expert.