Healing Psychiatrist - Mental Health

Quantum Healing

What is Quantum Medicine?

Quantum medicine is a new form of medicine that is just forming. It is the idea of applying quantum mechanics to medicine. Quantum mechanics is the field of physics that explains how extremely small objects simultaneously have the characteristics of both particles (tiny pieces of matter) and waves (a disturbance or variation that transfers energy). This basically says that matter, anything solid in the universe, is also made up of energy waves. The human body is no different, it is both solid and energy.

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Why Work with Me?


I am a board certified psychiatrist with over 20 years of experience.


I am an energy healer – reiki master and shaman.


I am a quantum healer (helping you to heal across time and space)


I am a spiritual healer (I can work with the spirit world) – shaman.


I have soul searched and worked hard to integrate all of the above approaches along with an understanding of basic principles and treatments from Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathy, Sound Healing and many others.


I have a sacred commitment to helping humanity not my pocketbook.


I have been there and done that – I can deeply empathize with the journey because of this and I have also personally used most of the therapies I recommend to people.

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In quantum healing I use my energy field to bring your energy body back into alignment.

Sound healing uses vibration, another form of energy, as a way to tune the energy centers of the body.

Light therapy and color therapy use light waves to influence the energy of the mind, heart, body and spirit.

Crystals heal via their high vibration and its effect on the energy field.

If we are made of energy, so are our thoughts.

Quantum medicine says our thoughts can affect our actual physical body and energy body as well as our mind set and our emotions.

Quantum mechanics also says time and space are not continuous, meaning they don’t march along in a nice line like our mind believes. As a Shaman I am able to heal across time and space. This is why healing across a distance is possible and across lifetimes. These are hard concepts for many to believe. But haven’t you ever been transported back in time when you smelled a certain smell? Like grandma’s favorite cookies in the oven? Or for those of us with PTSD, we can tell you a flashback can feel more “real” now than it did when it happened. For many of us, part of us is still experiencing that abuse until we go back and heal and retrieve them.

Now that we know we have a physical body AND an energy body shouldn’t we be taking care of both? Maybe this is why some people’s bodies seem to be functioning very well but they still have so many symptoms.

Quantum medicine is a way ahead for medicine to be able to make sense of ancient healing practices and move them forward with modern science to change the face of western medicine as we know it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is quantum medicine?

Quantum medicine is the idea that the human body, like everything that is solid, follows quantum physics. In simplest terms, quantum theory in physics says matter also behaves like waves and can exist in different forms at the same time. So quantum medicine is using these principles to improve health and balance.

How does quantum medicine work?

Quantum medicine is a new idea and still being defined. From my perspective, I use methods like sound healing, light and color therapy, energy healing and shamanic healing to name a few. These all work on the wave property of people, and bring balance to the mind, heart, body and spirit.

What are the benefits of quantum medicine?

There are many conditions that modern medicine is not good at treating. People are left to suffer with poor outcomes. Quantum medicine goes beyond the methods modern medicine uses to offer improved outcomes.

Is quantum medicine a legitimate form of treatment?

Yes. Although it is in its infancy, quantum medicine can bring great benefits to people.

Can quantum medicine cure diseases and illnesses?

Research is just only beginning in quantum medicine. However, many people have reported being cured by methods used in quantum medicine, myself included.

Are there any side effects from using quantum medicine?

Not in the way you think of with western medicine.

How is quantum medicine different from traditional (western) medicine?

Western medicine uses chemistry (medications) and anatomy (procedures,surgeries) to treat illness. Quantum medicine works on energy and consciousness to change the wave properties of a human.

Who can benefit from using quantum medicine?

Anyone can benefit. Quantum medicine can not only treat illness but it build health and balance to prevent illness as well.

Is there scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of quantum medicine?

Not yet. Scientists have done research that shows that human biology does show evidence of quantum physics. But no one has done research yet on how to change these processes. That being said, many people report improved function using the treatments I use in my quantum healing sessions.

Can I combine quantum medicine with other forms of treatment?

Absolutely. Quantum medicine is safely combined with other forms of treatment.

How long does it take to see results from using quantum medicine?

You may see results after only one session. But like with anything the benefit improves more with more sessions.

Is quantum medicine FDA approved?

No. The FDA has not yet considered quantum medicine.

Can pregnant women and children use quantum medicine?

Yes. This can be done safely and effectively.

What training or qualifications do practitioners of quantum medicine have?

There is no quantum medicine license. So, people who claim to do quantum medicine have many different backgrounds. As a physician, integrative medicine practitioner, Reiki Master and Shaman I feel well qualified to do quantum medicine.

Does insurance cover the cost of quantum medicine?

Unfortunately, no.

Healing Starts Here

Strength is within you, power is within you and healing is within you.