How Can I Help You?

Physician, Shaman and Reiki Master

Bethany Richards

“My journey to healing gave me insight into helping others heal”

I am innovating the interface between energy healing (quantum medicine), modern western medicine and spirituality. And they are all accessible to you. My passion is for blending ancient healing wisdom with modern technology. I came to this through my own decades-long struggle with chronic pain and complex post traumatic stress disorder. Everything I offer to people I have used to heal myself. And like everyone else I am a work in progress still learning and growing every day.

shamanic healer​


Ohm Your Health


A sacred sound used to raise consciousness


To have power over


A unit to measure energy

Insights on Energy Healing, Medicine and Spirituality

reiki healing near me
shamanic healing near me

Collaborate or Connect

I love exchanging ideas, teaching and learning from others. If you are interested in inviting me onto your podcast, to speak at your event or simply want to connect please reach out! My phone and email are below.

Scheduled Events:

Dec 20, 2024
Coming Soon

Exciting things are on the horizon! We’re thrilled to announce that something new and innovative is coming soon. Stay tuned for updates, as we can’t wait to share this journey with you!

Healing Starts Here

Medical trauma is a real thing. Trauma is in almost every individual and as providers
we are adding instead of subtracting from this.