Healing Psychiatrist - Mental Health

Shaman Healing

Shaman Services

A Shaman is someone who has a special connection to the spirit world. Someone who lives a sacred life and focuses on their connection to spirit so they can act as a go between for you. A Shaman works with spirits on your behalf or if you don’t believe in spirits then you can think of it as universal energies.

A Shaman is a spiritual practitioner who usually has a deep understanding of the human body, medicinal herbs, and uses spiritual healing practices to help people. It is a general term and this type of healing practitioner is found in many cultures around the world on every populated continent.

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Why Work with Me?


I am a board certified psychiatrist with over 20 years of experience.


I am an energy healer – reiki master and shaman.


I am a quantum healer (helping you to heal across time and space)


I am a spiritual healer (I can work with the spirit world) – shaman.


I have soul searched and worked hard to integrate all of the above approaches along with an understanding of basic principles and treatments from Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathy, Sound Healing and many others.


I have a sacred commitment to helping humanity not my pocketbook.


I have been there and done that – I can deeply empathize with the journey because of this and I have also personally used most of the therapies I recommend to people.

reiki healing

Some services that may be included in your Shamanic Healing

  • Soul retrieval. The soul often fractures with trauma and I can bring healing to this part of you and bring it back to you.
  • Power retrieval. This is personal power, your ability to be sovereign with ownership over your entire self. This can also be significantly affected in trauma. I can bring energies to you that can help guide you and boost your personal power.
  • Removal of unwanted energies from your person or from a building that may be causing you distress.
  • Past life healing. We often come into this world with issues/traumas from past lives. These may be affecting you today, repeating relationship or life line patterns from previous lives. I can help to heal these.

Connecting with your spiritual side

Shamanic healing can also help you connect with your spiritual side and what that means to you, healing religious traumas. I can then help guide you on your spiritual journey so you can blossom fully into the powerful and balanced being you are meant to be.

These appointments can be done online and can be booked all over the world. All you need is Zoom. Please email me at healingpsychiatrist@gmail.com

shamanic healing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Shaman?

Simply put a Shaman is someone who has a special connection to the spirit world and enters that world on the behalf of another to gain wisdom, help, energies or healing. This was/is practiced in some form in most cultures around the world. It has no religious affiliation.

What do shamans do?

They enter a certain state of mind they are trained to enter, in order to perform a journey into the spirit world or astral planes. While there they will interact with spirits on your behalf. Some of the services they perform;

  • Soul retrieval. The soul often fractures with trauma and I can bring healing to this part of you and bring it back to you.
  • Power retrieval. This is personal power, your ability to be sovereign with ownership over your entire self. This can also be significantly affected in trauma. I can bring energies to you that can boost your personal power.
  • Removal of unwanted energies from your person or from a building that may be causing you distress.
  • Past life healing. We often come into this world with issues/traumas from past lives. These may be affecting you today, repeating patterns from previous lives. I can help to heal these.

What are the benefits of seeing a shaman?

Shamanism can be used to bring healing to any mental or physical ailment and more. One benefit is having someone who can help you with spiritual issues or spiritual questions who does not have a religious affiliation. For me, that is what ultimately led me to see a shaman. They also can provide healing when modern medicine says there is no other answer. Shamans can bring healing that can bring vitality back, bring meaning into lives that now feel meaningless and empower people to gain the power and energy they need to heal themselves.

Can shamans heal physical illness?

Yes, but not in the way we think of it as westerners. For example, if you are suffering from chronic migraines and seek the help of a shaman the cause of the headaches over time will likely be brought to your attention or if it is already in your attention then the solution on how you can handle it will come to your attention. So, if the actual cause of your headaches is your mother in law you may realize that or you might suddenly find the strength to be able to set better boundaries with her. And this will lead to a reduction in or a resolution of your migraines.

Is it safe to see a shaman for spiritual healing?

We all have spiritual sovereignty. That means no one can harm us spiritually without our consent. Don’t see a shaman if they give you the creeps or you have a gut feeling you shouldn’t trust them. I would say the same about a physician. If you ever feel uncomfortable with the shaman or with what the shaman is doing speak up and tell them. They are just people. You can also simply say in your head, “I only give permission for what is in my highest good.” I often repeat this phrase when engaging with spirits. You can even tell the shaman if there is a particular set of spiritual beings you prefer to work with. For example, if you are Christian or Buddhist you could say I prefer you only work with Christian or Buddhist spirits. I know I am perfectly comfortable doing that for people.

Are there any risks associated with seeing a shaman?

Shamanic healing will not harm you. Because it is not really led by the shaman but led by spirit, only healing things will come to you. The shaman should be making sure they engage with only spirits that want your highest good to come to you. That being said, what heals us may not be what we wanted initially. Like when I first entered my healing journey I wanted my leg to stop hurting. But some major changes had to happen in my life before my leg stopped hurting so much. I received a miraculous healing that I am grateful for. And I am extremely grateful for all the changes spirit brought me that led to my leg improving. But, it was at times a very painful journey.

What should I expect during a shamanic healing session?

You should expect a professional and respectful conversation like you would have with any other healing professional. If you don’t get this, I would go elsewhere. This would include the typical questions like what brings you to see me? What are your goals for the session today? And there may be more questions about things like your beliefs about spirits or energies. After the conversation there may be a time where you lie on a table and have some energy reading or healing or there may not. This part is always done fully clothed and with the shamans hands hovering over your body with no touching or very light touch. This part as a client is very relaxing. And then the shaman will sit quietly for some time in what looks like meditation. They may do this during the session or after you leave. Then after their “meditation time” they will discuss with you what they experienced in spirit world on your behalf. They may then talk to you about what comes next and a possible return session.

Can shamanic practices be combined with other forms of therapy, healing or medications?

Yes. Shamanic practices can be combined with anything safely.

Are there any scientific studies on the effectiveness of shamanic healing?

How long does a shamanic healing session last?

In the west I would say a session typically lasts from 30 to 120 minutes. Much of the shamanic work is actually done by the shaman without you needing to be there. So, some shamans may do it with you in the room and some may not. I like to, for example, do some energy reading and healing with you lying on the table while I lightly hover my hands above you. But, after you leave the room or hang up the shaman should be spending another 30 to 60 minutes doing a journey on your behalf. This is what I do.

Do shamans use any tools or instruments during their services?

First off, many shamans throughout the world use mind altering drugs to enter a state of mind before doing a journey. These include things like Ayahuasca and many others around the world. This is less common in the west. I do not use any mind altering drugs, using drum beats to reach an altered state of mind. Shamans often use drums, rattles, singing bowls or chimes. I use these most often when I am doing the actual journey which the client is usually not there to see.

How can I find a shaman near me?

I recommend going to this link  https://www.shamanism.org/community/community-directory/ for shamans who are a member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Since there is no license in any state for shamanism it is difficult to find a reputable one. I would also ask the shaman how they decided to become a shaman. A good shaman doesn’t choose to become one, they are chosen by Spirit. Their life just leads them into shamanism out of necessity.

Healing Starts Here

I can connect people with their power, with health and their balance.